Monday, October 18, 2010

"Journalism's first obligation is to the truth..."

Welcome to the course.

The next four months will broaden your perspective on how information is delivered to you, and hopefully pique your interest in an often overlooked profession.

As we discussed today, defining journalism is more about saying what it does than what it is. The debate will only deepen as the internet continues to democratize journalism, and growing niches like citizen journalism and advocacy journalism will continue to shift our perception of news.

We'll be diving straight into the fundamentals of newswriting next week. I invite you to check out Jim Hall's excellent Beginning Reporting website for a primer on upcoming topics. Keep an eye on this spot for other helpful links.

Every few weeks I'll make some of my lecture material, such as scripts and PowerPoints, directly available for download here. I'll also regularly post story examples and well-written practice assignments from within the class. If I pick up troubling trends while correcting assignments, I'll address them here initially.

Feel free to comment under each post or e-mail me your questions and suggestions.

Until next week, keep reading.

1 comment:

Kibwe Brathwaite said...

I appreciate this online extension of the class; pretty cool. Plus I'm a (relatively new) fan of "blogger".