Sunday, January 11, 2009

Info hunt

Today's practice assignment will test your online research skills.

We discussed internet search techniques, and relied heavily on this online research guide to provide us with tips on keywords and Boolean entry methods. One of the assignment choices requires less runaround than the other, but you'll still need to find info very quickly.

Keep in mind the methods we discussed regarding sources like Wikipedia. Don't fear it. It's all about how you use it.

That said, the assignment will also test your ability to summarize and present as much information in as few words as possible. Keep that in mind, and keep your eyes on your word count at all times.

Here's a University of Pittsburgh guide to efficient summarizing.

You can also download this PDF on the same topic from the University of Houston.


Anonymous said...

Will we be allowed to bring in hard copies of the summarizing and quotation guides? As a quick reference during the in-class assignments.

Kayode said...

Definitely not.

You have about 3 weeks to learn them off, so start now.