Sunday, January 25, 2009

TTMediawatch: Your questions answered (Conclusion)

- Adrian Best & Diahann Hinds: Why do reporters so often miss fantastic story opportunities? Is it a political symptom? An economic hiccup? Can anything be done to avoid it? And what are the avenues for progressing in the field if your desire is to deliver news with truth, impartiality and free from bias?

TTMedia Watch: Very interesting questions. Well reporters are human too and sometimes they are so busy doing the mundane reporter stuff that they often don't see the great stories that are right beneath their noses.

Other times, they are just not paying attention because they are amateurs and wouldn't know a great story if it jumped up and bit them. (Did you hear the story of the rookie reporter who went to cover the wedding of a town mayor and when he got back to the office without a story his editor asked him what happened and he said there was no wedding because the church burned down?)
On the other hand, some stories are 'buried' for various reasons, political bias/favours being one.
If you desire to deliver news with truth, impartiality and free from bias, then you may need to open your own media house. Every media house/manager/editor has biases and these often come to bear on stories written by reporters, with no avenue for complaint by the reporter.

*Thanks again to Martine of TTMedia Watch for participating in our exercise.

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